Last Thursday of the month

Parken's Pub Quiz


Monthly Pub Quiz at Parken Bakeri

Get ready for a monthly dose of trivia fun at Parken Bakeri, every Thursday of the month! Compete once or make it a regular social event with your colleagues. We’re excited to have you join us.

How It Works:

  • Register your team (max 5 per team) by using the sign-up form.

  • Quizzes will consist of two rounds, each with twenty questions.‎

‎Want to compete for the season? Here’s how:

  • Keep the same team-name throughout the season.

  • Best of five quizzes determine the season winner.‎

Quiz Master: Bjørn Erik Reinseth, CEO of Oslotech

Host a quiz:

Ever dreamt of being a quiz master? Sign up to host a quiz night and showcase your trivia prowess. Contact

Winner spring season 2024:

#1 MET

Winner, autumn season 2024:

#1 MET


Bjørn Erik Reinseth
Chief Executive Officer
Quiz Master: Bjørn Erik, CEO of Oslotech