Oslo Science Park's Privacy Policy

Learn how we gather and use personal data.


We appreciate your visit to our website and your interest in our services. It is important to us that our customers feel confident that their privacy is protected in a secure and proper way, in accordance with applicable legislation.

This privacy policy provides a detailed description of how the Oslo Science Park collects and uses personal data provided in connection with visits to our website, and the personal data of customers and contacts.

Oslotech AS, the operational services company that operates the Oslo Science Park (hereinafter referred to as we, us or the Oslo Science Park), will use and protect personal data in accordance with the legislation that is applicable at any given time.

Personal data means information and assessments that can be directly or indirectly linked to an individual.


The Oslo Science Park processes personal data for marketing purposes. This personal data will not be transferred to other enterprises. The software we use for our website collects anonymous data on visitors to the website. This is in order to draw up statistics that allow us to improve the information on our website. Examples of the information provided by the statistics include the number of visitors to different pages, the duration of the visit, and the browsers used.

The information is processed in anonymous and aggregate form. We therefore cannot trace the information back to individual users. We do not collect IP addresses, but visitors' IP addresses are nonetheless recorded when they visit our website. Aggregate processing means that all of the data is merged into a single group (not processed individually).
We use the Google Analytics tool on our website. Information about all visitors to the website is therefore logged when you use this service.


By using this website, you are consenting to our storing cookies in your browser.

'Cookies' are standard technology used on most websites today. A cookie is a small text file which is placed in your browser's cache, and which we use to generate statistics that allow us to improve our web pages for our users. Most modern browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, etc.) are set up to automatically accept cookies, but you can change your settings, so that cookies are rejected. We must point out that rejecting cookies means that very many websites will not work properly.
We do not use cookies to:
- collect information without your permission that can identify you personally
- collect sensitive data or
- transfer personally-identifiable data to third parties
This is how you avoid cookies:


As part of our activities, we process personal data regarding customers and suppliers. We collect personal data that you provide in order to receive offers or marketing materials from us, or in order for us to contact you.

Personal data are stored safely and deleted when they are no longer required to answer customer requests or otherwise fulfill the customer relationship.

Oslo Science Park can not share or sell personal data with third parties. We have data processing agreements with our subcontractors. If a data breach should occour with the risk that personal data may be misused, we are obliged to notify the affected persons as soon as possible and within 72 hours.


We will send newsletters containing news, offers and invitations to people who have actively consented to this. You can withdraw your consent at any time by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our electronic newsletters.

We do not profile our customers in connection with our communication. All of the information sent from our channels is of a general nature.


By attending events organized by Oslo Science Park, you acknowledge and consent that photos and videos can be taken during the event. These materials may be used by Oslo Science Park for future marketing and promotional purposes in our publications, social media, websites, or any other media outlets. By participating in the event, you hereby grant Oslo Science Park the right to use, reproduce, and distribute your image, likeness, and voice for these purposes without any further approval from you or any payment to you.


All of the personal data contained in agreements will be deleted upon expiry of the agreement. We keep the data that is necessary in order to comply with the rules regarding storage of statutory accounting documents in accordance with the Accounting Act and the Bookkeeping Act.


Your rights as an individual in connection with the processing of personal data can be found in the Personal Data Act.
Some of the most important rights are the right to access, rectification and deletion of incorrect personal data.

We will answer requests for access or other rights pursuant to the Personal Data Act as soon as possible, and no later than 30 days from the date on which the request was received, unless particular circumstances make it impossible to answer the query by the deadline. If we cannot answer queries by the deadline, we will give you a preliminary reply, providing information about the reason for the delay and the probable date on which a reply will be provided.


All processing, transfer and storage of personal data must be performed in compliance with the procedures and requirements that apply to enterprises.


Any questions about our processing of personal data can be sent to post@forskningsparken.no.

You can also contact us at our postal address: Oslotech AS, Gaustadalléen 21, 0349 Oslo, Norway.

Version 1.3, 11.08.2023