A thriving community

Oslo Science Park is a vibrant environment where openness, collaboration, and sharing are key to success for our members.

Become a member

Our goal is to facilitate the meeting and collaboration of companies, researchers, investors, and industries, making innovation and value creation more accessible.

To achieve this, we create meeting places for sharing and collaboration, establish incubators for new companies, work on co-location, and simplify the daily operations for businesses and individuals working in Oslo Science Park.

Numerous successful clusters, networks, and research environments within technology, health, life sciences, and energy are located here. Hundreds of startups operate within and outside the incubators, providing them with the opportunity to gain insights from more established environments and follow in the footsteps of many successful ventures. At the same time, established companies benefit from proximity to a unique innovation environment and new talent.

As a tenant in Oslo Science Park, you can choose to participate in regular social and professional events. Most events are open, free, and easily accessible. And if you wish to organize something yourself, we are more than happy to facilitate that.


Startup assistance for ambitious entrepreneurs

Is your company newly established and want access to expertise, networks, workspace, and possibly funding? Then you can apply for a spot at one of our three incubators: Startuplab, Aleap, or ShareLab.

An active ecosystem for business, research and innovation

Oslo Science Park is home to several successful clusters, networks, and research environments within the academic focal points of technology, health, life sciences, and energy.

Get to know the neighborhood!

Oslo Science Park and the surrounding neighborhood are host to multiple science and research institutes, academic institutions, and innovative companies. And believe it or not, the area also boasts a few attractions beyond the workplace!

Find your community!

Over 3000 people work in Oslo Science Park. The chance that some of them share your interests, hobbies or goals is high. How about connecting with them? Oslo Science Park is now launching the new concept “Micro Communities” for all tenants in the park.

Introducing the Forskningsparken Community Fund

Oslo Science Park is now launching the "Forskningsparken Community Fund", an initiative made to encourage collaborative and community-driven activities. This fund is open to all members looking to meet over a shared interest or passion!

Matnyttig: How to attract and retain foreign employees?

Two-thirds of all Norwegian companies lack important expertise, according to NHO (Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise). To assert ourselves in the competition for the sharpest minds, it is time to sharpen our efforts, says Mari Strømsvåg from the Oslo Region Alliance.

Hardwarelab: Build, test, repeat

If you walk through the glass corridor on the ground floor of Oslo Science Park, you will encounter something resembling a zoo for tech enthusiasts. It's Startuplab's workshop, Hardwarelab. Here, prototypes are developed, tested, modified, discarded—or end up as successful products.

A Real Pain + a discussion with prof. Kjetil Rødje

UiO: Medier og Kommunikasjon

Calm Tech Café

How can technology serve humans better?

Exit-strategi: Kan Europa utfordre sky-gigantene?


  • 09 Apr 2025
  • 17:00-20:30
  • Forum

A conversation with Nicolai Tangen

Leadership, culture, and strategy

  • 10 Jun 2025
  • 10.00–11.00
  • Forum

Tekna: Bare å stupe uti

- klimatilpasset overvåking, beredskap og forvaltning av vannressursene knyttet til

  • 11 Jun 2025
  • 09:00-16:00
  • Lyng
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Do you wish to become a part of the community in Oslo Science Park? Contact us for a chat.
Hans-Peter Daae
Chief Operating Officer