Networks and clusters

Several successful clusters and networks are located in the Oslo Science Park within the academic focal points of health, life sciences, entrepreneurship, and innovation. As a tenant, you will always have easy access and a low threshold to networks that can be crucial for your business.

Health and life science

Among Oslo Science Park's over 300 companies, many are active in health and life sciences. It's natural that arenas for collaboration and innovation also find a home here.
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Health2B is a collaboration arena where public and private sector meet to discuss, innovate and create solutions for future healthcare.

Norway Health Tech

Norway Health Tech is a technology cluster that facilitates the emergence of new and innovative health solutions. Our goal is to improve the quality of treatment and care by developing and industrializing world-class health solutions through our members and ecosystem.

The Life Science Cluster

The Life Science Cluster is working to unleash the potential of Norway’s life sciences sectors, bringing sustainable solutions to society, and creating more jobs.

Oslo Science Park as a meeting place

On an average week there are 70-100 meetings and events at Oslo Science Park. People are meeting to learn something new, make connections, discuss challenges and work.

Entrepreneurship and innovation

Several networks and clusters in Oslo Science Park are dedicated to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship within the business community, among researchers, students, and school pupils.
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Ungt Entreprenørskap

Ungt Entreprenørskap is a non-profit, nationwide organization that, together with the education system, business community, and other stakeholders, works to develop the creativity, joy of creation, and self-belief of children and young people.

UiO Studenthub

UiO´s hub for studentinnovasjon har som formål å skape et robust og vedvarende engasjement rundt studentinnovasjon ved UiO og være et velkjent, synlig og troverdig sted der innovative studenter og partnere kan møtes og samarbeide. Veksthuset for verdiskaping ved UiO er ansvarlig for lokalene.

Oslo Science City

Oslo Science City is Norway's first innovation district. In the area stretching from Majorstuen through Marienlyst and Blindern to Gaustad and Ullevaal Stadium, including Radiumhospitalet, there are 30,000 students and 7,500 researchers, the country's top university, university hospital, world-class research institutes, and over 300 companies. This is Norway's most knowledge-dense area, with significant potential for innovation and new employment opportunities in health, life sciences, digitalization, energy, climate, and sustainability.
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Oslo Science City

In the middle of Norway's most knowledge- intensive area we are currently developing a vibrant area with room for businesses and strong ecosystems for innovation.
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