
Norways largest tech-incubator and early-stage investor supporting technology startups.

Startuplab was launched in 2012 and has since grown to the be the largest tech incubator in Norway. Founded by Alexander Woxen together with Oslotech, it was based on the entrepreneurial activities at Oslo Science Park, a part of the University of Oslo.

Today Startuplab is present in both Oslo and Bergen, has close to a 100 active member companies at any given time and has since the start made investments in more than 130 companies.

  • The incubator hosts 100+ companies

  • The accelerator runs twice every year

  • Startuplab Ventures meets with companies around the year

  • Startuplab has a vast partner network and an industry networks within Mobility, Data Science, Hardware and Energy

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Read more about Startuplab

Nysnø invests in Startuplab’s fifth fund

Nysnø Klimainvesteringer has invested NOK 30 million in Startuplab’s latest early-stage fund, Founders Fund V. This marks a strengthening of the collaboration between the two entities to promote Norwegian climate technology companies.

Power and the capital gap: Lise Fulland on why 9 of 10 entrepreneurs are men

One wouldn't think that one's gender impacts your choice to start a company. Nevertheless, according to 2020 data, 89% of all Norwegian companies are started by men, and 99% of all funding goes to male teams*. Despite grim statistics, Investment Partner at Startuplab, Lise Fulland, sees positive trends. But nothing happens on its own.

Hardwarelab: Build, test, repeat

If you walk through the glass corridor on the ground floor of Oslo Science Park, you will encounter something resembling a zoo for tech enthusiasts. It's Startuplab's workshop, Hardwarelab. Here, prototypes are developed, tested, modified, discarded—or end up as successful products.

Attensi vokser i Forskningsparken

Attensi flyttet inn i StartupLab i 2012 med to ansatte. Da vi hadde vokst til 8 ansatte var det tid for å flytte inn i Forskningsparken. Se hva daglig leder og CTO Anne Lise Waal sier om vekstperioden for den norske oppstartsbedriften. 

Kommende Startuplab arrangementer

Science Meets Startups: Innovating the Future of Smart Buildings

Startuplab & SINTEF