- a meeting place for academia and industry

Innovation hangout


For researchers and students at the University of Oslo, researchers at Oslo University Hospital (OUS) and Akershus University Hospital (Ahus), members of The Life Science Cluster, Health2B, Norway Health Tech, LMI, Oslo Cancer Cluster, Aleap, the Oslo Science Park community and Oslo Science City partners. Free of charge, but you have to sign up.

About the innovation hangouts

This is an informal meeting place where students and researchers from the University of Oslo (UiO) can interact with actors from the public sector, hospitals, companies, mentors, business clusters and incubators within UiO's innovation ecosystem. We will provide inspirational talks, talks from role models, matchmaking, food and beverages, and mingling.

The overall goal of the UiO Growth House is to strengthen the innovation culture at UiO to put more knowledge from research to use. With this meeting place, we want to inspire researchers and students, give them self-confidence and knowledge about the innovation process, help them build networks, and facilitate collaboration between academia and industry.

The UiO Growth House established the innovation hangouts in collaboration with clusters in 2022. The events are arranged quarterly in the afternoon/evening.
