Kavli Prize Winners in Oslo Science Park

Published: 02 September 2024

Text: Anne-Marie Korseberg Stokke

The Kavli Prize is awarded annually to eight of the world's leading researchers in astrophysics, neuroscience and nanoscience. This year's award winners in nanoscience gave their laureate lectures at Oslo Science Park.

One of this year's Kavli Prize winners is Robert Langer, one of the founders of the pharmaceutical giant Moderna.

When Robert S. Langer finished his chemical engineering degree in 1974, he received lucrative job offers from several oil companies. However, he chose a different path and used his engineering expertise to revolutionize medical research. He was the first to develop nanomaterials that enabled medicine to gradually release active ingredients in the body.

He had a key role in developing the mRNA vaccine and in the founding of Moderna – the company behind one of the most widely used COVID vaccines.

Langer receives the 2024 Kavli Prize in Nanoscience along with Armand Paul Alivisatos and Chad A. Mirkin. They have also contributed with important research on nanoparticles for medical use, in particular for diagnostic purposes.

The citation states that they "have revolutionized the field of nanomedicine by demonstrating how nanotechnology can advance biomedical research and practice."

As part of the Kavli Prize Week program, they gave lectures about their research at Oslo Science Park.

Prisvinner Armand Paul Alivisatos (USA), University of Chicago.

Kort om Kavliprisen

  • The Kavli Prize is a collaboration between The Kavli Foundation in the USA, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Norwegian Academy of Sciences

  • The Kavli prize was founded by physicist, civil engineer and entrepreneur Fred Kavli (1927–2013)

  • The award honors researchers for breakthroughs in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience that have changed our understanding of the big, the small and the complex

  • Three prizes of one million dollars are awarded every two years in each of the three fields

    Read more about the Kavli Prize

Kavli Prize Winners 2024

The Kavli Prize in Astrophysics:  

  • David Charbonneau (Canada/USA), Harvard University 
    Sara Seager (Canada/USA), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


The Kavli Prize in Nanoscience:  
Armand Paul Alivisatos (USA), University of Chicago 
Robert Langer (USA), Koch Institute of Integrative Cancer Research, MIT
Chad Mirkin (USA), Northwestern University 

The Kavli Prize in Neuroscience:  
Winrich Freiwald (Tyskland/USA), The Rockefeller University 
Nancy Kanwisher (USA), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Doris Ying Tsao (USA), The University of California, Berkeley


Read more about the Kavli Prize Winners