Loopfront: Reuse made easy!
Every year, huge amounts of used furniture and building materials are thrown away, and only a small percentage is reused. Loopfront has a solution that means we don't have to throw anything away at all.
Published: 08 March 2023
Text: Anne-Marie Korseberg Stokke
Photo: Angelique Culvin-Riccot
"We want to reach a sorting rate of 70%. So, we still have a little way to go," admits Steffen Hammersgaard, the operations manager at Oslo Science Park.
Since January 1, 2023, it has been mandatory to sort waste in all commercial buildings, and at Oslo Science Park, regular trash bins were replaced with sorting stations several years ago. In addition, there are waste containers in the environmental station in U1, right next to the garage exit. There you can dispose of special waste such as glass, porcelain, metal, electrical waste, and batteries.
"If you need a cardboard box for collecting batteries, you can ask for one at the Service Desk. When the box is full, you empty it into the correct container at the environmental station," says Steffen.
You can find recycling stations in several locations in the building. In U1, you will find our Environmental Station where you can deposit cardboard, paper, glass, metal, batteries, electronic waste, etc.
Oslotech, which runs Oslo Science Park, can extract reports on the waste produced in the park every month. In addition, they will now analyze the general waste to find out where there is room for improvement in waste sorting.
"It will be exciting to see," says Steffen, but reminds us that it's not reports and analyses that do the sorting job.
"If we all take an extra two seconds when we throw something away and ask ourselves, 'Is this general waste or can it be put in one of the other bins right next to it?' Then the sorting rate will automatically increase."
Do you see standalone trash cans in the park without the option for waste sorting? Notify vaktmester@forskningsparken.no, and they will be replaced.